Good morrow my precious darklings,
And a very merry yet belated new year to you all. I am so very proud of all you beautiful creatures out there in the ethers of the WWW for surviving and striving to exist for another full year. And believe me I know that for many of you it is a mountain sized hill of trouble to do this. I send out huge hugs, well wishes and brightest blessings to you all.
On new years eve night I prayed to the God Janus whom this month of January is named after to banish away the darkness and sorrow of my past year keeping only the good and to welcome in all my hopes and good wishes for the new year not just for myself but also for all of you wonderous little Darklings that read this sporadic and frustrating little blog of mine.
2K15 is the year of new hope, fresh ideas, endless discovery and most importantly for me it is the year I begin my proper travels outside the relative safety of family holidays when I journey on to prague this easter time. Additionally I will also be gearing towards the writing and (hopefully) the completion of my first novel (nowhere near ready for editing or print im afraid) and shall be revealling small snippets about and from my characters regarding the Universe I have lovingly created around them and you my wonderous darklings shall be but the first to sample in its intricicy this heartfelt child of my own creation.
With that note I do sleepily bid you all adieu until the next time. Stay safe, be wonderfull and dont let the bed bugs bite for if they do bite them back, Rest well.
Blessed Be!