Greetings my dearest Darklings,
Oh dearie dearie me I have gotten very behind again haven't I? Nevertheless I am back after a very long hiatus period and there is still so much to tell you all. However first and foremost I must say a massive happy 2014 to all you delicious readers in the vast realms of the inter-webs and thank-you for continuing your support of my blog all throughout this long online dry spell.
Now onto the topic of this long awaited post about my 2013 trip to the sunny state of Texas during one of its longest droughts in many years.
Now the first few days of my journey to this wonderful land where long tiring and altogether wonderful but I suppose it is best to start from the beginning isn't it?
So here we go;
As any trip does start it began with that last minute rush to ensure that everything had been packed and was weighed correctly this was technically done the night before but I would like to remind my dear readers that when you are awaking at 3am in the morning to catch a flight it technically counts as the same day in this witches book ^^ and after all us nocturnal creatures of the night revel in the twilight hours of dawn before we head off to our velvet lined coffins to sleep in any case ^.^
So when we arose from our disturbed slumber, bleary eyed and fighting for our maximum of a 2 min shower, we ensured for the third and fourth time that we had everything whilst plying ourselves with caffeine in the forms of coffee or tea alongside a snack to keep us going till the airport. Below is a picture of my brother who always seems to have energy in surplus and my sort of cousin (through marriage) just minutes before clambering into a taxi to head to the airport in London.
After a long and exhausting flight then internal flight when we reached Texas we met with my soon to be Nanny Joan who took us to the well known eatery of Applebees before heading to her home and business in driftwood Texas .
After collapsing a few short hours later in the wonderfully welcoming bed that night i slept as any little bat would and awoke to this site out the living room window the next morning.
It was absolutely enthralling to me and if you notice in the left hand bottom corner you can just about see the silhouette of this little lady, may I introduce you to Poppy Nanna Joan's faithful companion
Beautiful isn't she :)
Now this land being as beautiful and green as it is may not be what you expected when I said I was going to Texas but in reality there is only a small percentage of the land that is desert-like in its nature and Driftwood certainly is not part of it. Now as I am sure I have mentioned this but I shall recap your memories some as it was a while ago but I was here for a wedding and not just any wedding but the marriage of my mum to her (Now new husband) Kevin and as such the first few days where spent shopping for items for the wedding and preparing for the big day interspersed with days to places like Barton Creek and after the day itself a water park and also the most iconic tourist destination in Texas. The Alamo. below are some of the pictures i took whilst visiting this magnificent place with one of the most significant parts of Texan and american history for in the words of Davy Crockett 'you may all go to hell and i shall go to Texas'
But now for the wedding itself I suppose as it is the title of this particular post. I was a bridesmaid naturally and it was held at the Wizards academy chapel dolcinea
beautiful isn't it and it was a wonderful day for a wedding also
the cake was made by one of Joan;s good friends in Texas and we ate at a magnificent Italian restaurant with its own vineyard.
as always i hope you enjoyed this post and can cope with my hideous grammar and such but thank you for reading please comment and suggest ideas for new posts and if you have any questions you can email me @
blessed be